Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 1: Leveling.

I will tire of it.

I keep surfing the web instead of actually focusing.

I'm trying to level Trinia, currently. Got 30 more levels till 80 and I can raid as a Hunter, and cannot wait. Semi-sick of sitting in melee range getting hammered by AoEs from bosses and mobs (Dark Touched Warriors in Naxx, anyone?) My summer break started June 3rd and I've only really gotten Trinia and my two pets, Pearl the Ghost Saber and Melo previously Ressan the Needler. (Melo means Apple in Greek, if anyone was wondering.) I'm leveling as Beast Mastery and beginning to look at addons and UIs that would be great for raiding. (I'll probably raid as Marks or Survival as I haven't decided yet.)

Now, about my Druid...

Druid forms. 3.2. Hell yes.

I get stuck with the purple furred Bear with a green mane, and the blue cat for Florelline.

Oh well. New skins are still nice after you've seen the form for a long time.

On another note, on Saturday I'll finally step my paws into Ulduar. My guild, Primal Chaos is going to try to down the first few bosses. I'm geared enough for halfway through normal Ulduar, and I'll have to read the strategies, but I think we'll do fine. I have to get up at 5am, but I think we'll do fine. I'll post about how it went after. <3

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